Imnul Republicii Moldova

Imnul de Stat al Republicii Moldova este un simbol al suveranităţii şi independenţei statului.

Republica Moldova a avut parte de 3 imnuri pe parcursul istoriei sale recente: Moldova Sovietică (1945-1991), Deşteaptă-te, române! (1991-1994) şi actualul Limba noastră, din 1994 (aprobat prin Legea cu privire la Imnul de Stat nr.571-XIII din 22 iulie 1995), când o parte din poezia scrisă de Alexei Mateevici in 1917 e reorganizată sub forma a cinci strofe (strofele 1, 2, 5, 8, 12) de câte patru versuri, şi aleasă ca imn naţional al Republicii Moldova, pe o melodie compusă de Alexandru Cristea, aranjament de Valentin Dînga.

Imnul de Stat al Republicii Moldova

Limba noastră-i o comoară
În adîncuri înfundată
Un şirag de piatră rară
Pe moşie revărsată.

Limba noastră-i foc ce arde
Într-un neam, ce fără veste
S-a trezit din somn de moarte
Ca viteazul din poveste.

Limba noastră-i frunză verde,
Zbuciumul din codrii veşnici,
Nistrul lin, ce-n valuri pierde
Ai luceferilor sfeşnici.

Limba noastra-i limbă sfîntă,
Limba vechilor cazanii,
Care o plîng şi care o cîntă
Pe la vatra lor ţăranii.

Răsări-va o comoară
În adîncuri înfundată,
Un şirag de piatră rară
Pe moşie revărsată.

Regulamentul privind intonarea Imnului de Stat al Republicii Moldova prevede:

1. Imnul de Stat al Republicii Moldova se intonează în interpretare orchestrală şi vocală. Se admite utilizarea înregistrărilor audio.

2. În interpretare vocală, Imnul de Stat al Republicii Moldova se intonează în limba de stat, în deplină concordanţă cu textul prevăzut de anexa nr. 1.

3. Imnul de Stat al Republicii Moldova se intonează:

  • la ridicarea Drapelului de Stat al Republicii Moldova;
  • la depunerea jurămîntului de către Preşedintele nou ales al Republicii Moldova;
  • la deschiderea şi închiderea sesiunilor Parlamentului;
  • la inaugurarea monumentelor;
  • în cadrul ceremoniilor oficiale de înmînare a distincţiilor de stat;
  • la întîmpinarea şi la plecarea şefilor de state şi de guverne, care întreprind vizite oficiale în Republica Moldova. În acest caz, Imnul de Stat al Republicii Moldova se intonează după imnul de stat al ţării respective;
  • la deschiderea adunărilor solemne, congreselor, simpozioanelor consacrate unor date remarcabile din istoria şi cultura ţării.

4. Intonarea Imnului de Stat al Republicii Moldova în unităţile militare ale Forţelor Armate, în organele şi subdiviziunile afacerilor interne şi ale securităţii naţionale, precum şi onorarea Imnului de Stat al Republicii Moldova de către militari şi persoanele din trupele şi corpul de comandă ale organelor afacerilor interne şi securităţii statului sînt reglementate de regulamentele interne de serviciu ale Forţelor Armate, ale Ministerului Afacerilor Interne şi ale organelor securităţii statului.

5. Imnul de Stat al Republicii Moldova se transmite de către posturile de radio şi televiziune ale Companiei de Stat “Teleradio-Moldova”:

  • la deschiderea şi închiderea emisiunilor;
  • în noaptea de revelion, după ce orologiul anunţă începutul unui nou an.

6. Imnul de Stat al Republicii Moldova poate fi intonat, cu autorizaţia persoanelor indicate la pct. 11 din prezentul regulament, şi la:

  • inaugurarea concursurilor şi festivalurilor raionale, zonale, republicane şi internaţionale;
  • la inaugurarea unor expoziţii de amploare cu tematică istorică şi culturală;
  • la deschiderea manifestărilor consacrate începutului anului de studii, precum şi a altor manifestări solemne, în toate instituţiile de învăţămînt.

7. Textul Imnului de Stat al Republicii Moldova se tipăreşte pe prima pagină a abecedarelor.

8. Respectul profund faţă de Imnul de Stat al Republicii Moldova este o datorie patriotică a fiecărui cetăţean al Republicii Moldova.

9. La intonarea publică a Imnului de Stat al Republicii Moldova, asistenţa va sta în picioare, bărbaţii se vor descoperi.

10. Responsabilitatea pentru îndeplinirea regulamentului revine Guvernului, în persoana Primului-ministru, şi conducătorilor autorităţilor administraţiei publice centrale de specialitate şi locale, ai întreprinderilor, instituţiilor şi organizaţiilor sub egida cărora se desfăşoară manifestările respective.

20 Facts About Ukraine


1. Arsenalnaya Metro Station located in Kiev is the deepest in the world (105 meters). The station was built in 1960, very close to the House of Parliament. According to some reports, the tunnels near Arsenalnaya house secret shelters built specially for the political elite.

2. Ukraine has the world’s largest reserves of manganese ore – 2.3 billion tons or about 11% of all deposits of the world.

3. Ukrainians invented a plane with the largest freight-carrying capacity in the world – the An-225 “Mriya” (in ). Originally, it was designed for spacecraft transportation. Now it specializes in freight haulage.

4. In 1710, Ukrainian Hetman Pylyp Orlyk introduced “Pacts and Constitutions of Rights and Freedoms of the Zaporizhian Host”, at that time a super-progressive document which meant to separate powers into three branches and regulate the rights and responsibilities of the government and citizens. Some researchers believe that this document is one of the world’s first constitutions.

5. Ukraine, on its own initiative, refused the third largest arsenal of nuclear weapons in the world. At the moment of the declaration of independence, Ukraine had over a thousand nuclear warheads and the third largest nuclear potential after Russia and America. The warheads and missiles were given to Russia, silos were destroyed. In response, Ukraine received the money for disarmament, plus security guarantees from the nuclear powers.

6. The monuments to a famous Ukrainian poet, Taras Shevchenko, are set in 1200 places around the world. However, most of them are located in western Ukraine.

7. A Ukrainian powerlifter, Dmitry Khaladji, is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the author of more than two dozen records. One of them is called “The Devil’s Forge”. He lies on a bed of nails and is covered with 700-kg plates which are broken with sledgehammers.

8. The oldest map known to scientists, as well as the most ancient settlement of Homo Sapiens were found in Ukraine, in the village of Mezhireche. They are 14.5 – 15 thousand years old. The map is cut out of the bones of a mammoth. The settlement is made of the same material.

9.  The official Guinness world record: Ukrainians made the world’s largest glass of champagne – 56.25 liters. How to drink champagne from this glass is unclear, but it’s still great.

10. Ukraine, the largest state situated entirely in Europe, appeared on the map of the world in 1991. It has an area of 603,628 km2, making it the largest contiguous country on the European continent.

11. Ukraine is one of the largest grain exporters in the world.

12. The third most visited McDonald’s in the world is located in Kiev, near the train station. This restaurant has always been in the top five most crowded McDonald’s in the world.

13. “O Sole Mio” is often referred to as a Neapolitan song. Neapolitan songs were songs written for an annual songwriting contest for the Festival of Piedigrotta, which began in 1830, in Naples, Italy. “O Sole Mio” was composed by Eduardo Di Capua in Odessa (nowdays Ukraine) during April 1898. Setting his music to the poem by Giovanni Capurro, Di Capua drew his inspiration while touring Crimea with his father (a violinist street musician). Di Capua and Capurro sold the rights of the song to the Bideri publishing house for 25 lire.

14. Khreshchatyk Street in Kiev is the shortest yet widest main city street in the world. Its length is 1.2 km

15. George Gershwin wrote one of the world’s most famous songs, “Summertime”, after being inspired by an old Ukrainian lullaby called “Oi Khodyt Son Kolo Vikon” (The Dream Passes by the Windows) performed by the Ukrainian National Chorus. And it’s not surprise because parents of George Gershwin were from Odessa (Ukraine).

Center_of_Europe_-_monument_-_nearby_Rakhiv_-_Ukraine16. The geographic center of Europe is on the territory of Ukraine not far from Rakhiv in Zakarpatia oblast. As far back as 1887, experts of Austria Hungary had determined this point, stele and land-surveying sign marking it. In Latin, the following words were engraves there: LОСUS РЕRЕNNІS. Dilicentissime cum lіbеllа lіbrаtіоnіs guае еst іп Аustrіа еt Нungаrіа соnfесtа сum mеnsurа grаdum mеrіdіоnаlіum еt раrаllеlоumіеrum Еurореum. МD ССС LХХХVІІ, “that translated state such a thing: “Permanent, exact, and eternal place. Very precisely, using special apparatus made in Austria and Hungary, with scale of meridians and parallels, set the Center of Europe. 1887.”

17. Ukraine has been using the hryvnia, or grivna (UAH) since September 2, 1996. The grivna was the currency of Kievan Rus, back in the 11th century.

18. Ukrainian is the second most melodic language in the world after Itaian. It was resolved on global linguistic conference in Paris in 1934.

19.  Ukraine is the fourth most educated nation in the world. 99,4% of Ukrainian over 16 years old know how to write and 70% of population have higher education.

20. Ukraine can be concidered as a birthplace of Russia as Kyiv was was the capital of Kyivan Rus, the state which further developed into modern Russiam Belarus and Ukraine.

25 Reasons Why You Should Travel

St. Augustine said that those who do not travel read only one page. And I truly believe that the most important thing that a person should aim for is education. But the thing is that it doesn’t matter how hard you’ll try to learn by hard, you will never be able to memorize that stuff until you try, experience, live it. Traveling is the best teacher, since  it brings you to unknown places, introduces you to new people and shows you amazing things and teaches you unbelievable stuff.


Since I’m a list addict, I decided to prove it one more time with my list of reasons why one should travel 🙂 :

1. Travel makes you brave.

2. Travel gives you a chance to learn new things.

3. Travel helps you discover new ways of living.

4. Travel gives you things to be happy about.

5. Travel hepls you face your fears.

6. Travel makes friends out of strangers.

7. Travel gives you chance to savor good food.

8. Travel gives you an excuse to learn a new language or to maintain the language skills.

9. Travel makes memories.

10. Travel reminds you of the beauty of nature.

11. Travel makes you willing to step out of your comfort zone.

12. Travel makes you happy.

13. Travel gives you inner peace.

14. Travel makes you rethink stereotypes.

15. Travel changes you.

16. Travel makes you believe in the kindness of strangers.

17. Travel makes wine taste better.

18. Travel lets you experience things you’ve never even imagined.

19. Travel helps you escape.

20. Travel makes you open your mind.

21. Travel shows you how beautiful the world is.

22. Travel makes great stories.

23. Travel allows you to see the world from a different perspective.

24. Travel gives you chance to experience freedom at its finest.

25. TRAVEL IS A LOT OF FUN!!!35765_tumblr_mw2fssxmzN1sp4x40o1_500


Books To Read

There are 106 days more till the end of the year and I have made up a list of books to be read:


1. E. Hemingway – Old Man and the Sea

2. H. Murakami – 1Q84

3. L. Tolstoy – Anna Karenina

4. R. Bradbury – Fahrenheit 451

5. Jean-Paul Sartre – The Flies

6. H. Lee – To kill the mockingbird

7. E. Hemingway – From whom the Bell Tolls

8. D. Carnegie – How to win friends and influence people

9. E.M. Remarque – All quite on the Eastern front

10. J. Heller- Catch 22

11. K. Vonnegut – Slaughterhouse Five

P.S. Some more suggestions are welcome 😉